Our Personality

Our range is designed with you in mind, and is always delightfully pragmatic. We have the essential tools to help you project the right image in a professional environment. Our products help to balance life’s many responsibilities and desires, by bringing it all together in perfect harmony.

We try to keep it as simple as possible. We know that everyone is unique in their own way, so our products encourage and inspire self expression to make everyday experiences just that little bit more special. And finally, we know there are times when you want a little bit more, so our range celebrates this with, little extras and flourishes of detail.

Our Portfolio

A diary, journal or notebook is an intensely private artefact, within its borders we find a place of freedom and candour to be ourselves, or to wander off and be someone new.

The portfolio of the Collins range includes: Collins, Colplan, Cathedral and much more. Along with our market leading diary and organiser collections, we have a comprehensive range of notebooks and design based journals offering: choice, quality and affordability. Our extensive range of traditional stationery lines and business accessories are tried and tested favourites.

For business customers we offer a corporate branding service, and for personal users we can personalise your product with initials or a name.

Our Company

In Scotland in 1819, William Collins, a Presbyterian schoolmaster, set up his first printing press in the Candleriggs area of Glasgow. From such humble beginnings, Collins diaries and notebooks have flourished across the centuries, impacting countless lives across the globe.

As passionate stationers renowned for quality, Collins are driven by innovation and creativity to satisfy and exceed customer needs. Our products help to balance life’s many responsibilities and ambitions, bringing them together in perfect harmony.

We know that being authentic to who you are is essential, and that your stationery is a fundamental tool in expressing that.

The Corporate Office

For more information, please see our parent company Nippecraft, at https://www.nippecraft.com.sg

The Corporate Office

Nippecraft Limited (“Nippecraft”) is an established supplier of high-quality business and lifestyle stationery around the world. This includes a wide range of diaries, notebooks, organisers and other products for the office, home and school environment, under the brands Collins, Debden and Jumble & Co.

For more corporate information, please visit our parent company Nippecraft website, at https://www.nippecraft.com.sg